We get it: The news world can be way overwhelming. (And dare-we-say just a bit ho-hum and/or horribly depressing.) So we've decided that in addition to our In the Loop section covering all things New-sy, we also wanted to include some feaky lil bits we couldn't resist passing along.
To help you weed through the morass, we’ve rounded up some of the day’s most click-worthy stories. Enjoy!
French Chef Poo-Poos Annoying Food Porn
A French chef at a restaurant with three Michelin stars wants to ban mobile phones so people stop cluttering the world’s Facebook feeds with “hey, look at my spicy shrimp platter!” updates. This reminds us of the guy who charged people extra to sing “Don’t Stop Believing” at his karaoke bar ... in that both are amazing.
Experts Say, "Eh, Stoned Driving Ain't So Bad After All!"
Driving while stoned has always seemed more funny than dangerous. Now, experts are kinda supporting this by claiming resources would be better devoted to drunk-driving prevention than stoned-driving prevention. Put that in yer pipe b*tches.
Google Defends Exposing Kids to Porn
Fingers are wagging over Google’s decision to sell hardcore porn next to kid’s books in its online store. The tech giant’s response? “A 13-year-old could freely walk into any book store and browse/purchase any book he/she chose to pick up.” (SUCH a good point! Pssh.)
Snake Handler Says God Will Save Him From Snake Bites, Promptly Dies from Snake Bite
A serpent handler who starred in the show “Snake Salvation” -- about Pentecostals who hang with poisonous snakes because they think God will save them from the venom (you can’t make this sh*t up!) -- was killed by…snake bite. Wait, does this mean no more “Snake Salvation”?! Noooo!
Images: commons.wikimedia.org